This morning I was walking the dogs along the river path in the town I live in. It’s one of the few places I know that has poplar trees. Here in Portugal you can mostly find cork oaks, pine trees and eucalyptus (minus cute koalas). I make it a point to walk this path every change of season – it’s like a benchmark walk because… there I could smell autumn (fall).
Yes. It’s here. And I’m not ready for it! I’ve been working a lot this summer doing Ayurvedic massages, working with my YogaBusinessGrowth clients and moving house so I feel I kinda missed the summer…
It’s very normal for a Pitta to happen actually. A Pitta person in Pitta season, that’s giving drive to everything!
And now there’s this pinch in the air in the mornings, we’ve had the first rain in 4 months, and the beaches are getting less crowded. Don’t get me wrong… September is my favourite month here! And as the summer season is ending I’m also kind of relieved that quieter times are coming.
But not jusssst yet, as there are three things I wanted to share with you today!
Yoga and Breathwork retreat in Portugal
I’m cooking at a Yoga and Breathwork retreat in Portugal from 3-9 October 2021. And there are still a few places left! I’ll be there making delicious Ayurvedic meals to support your practice. I’m so happy to be returning to this heavenly place in the Algarvian mountains, Bodhi Bhavan (which means ‘cultivating awakening or enlightenment’.) If you want to learn more, here is the link to the retreat page.
Starting or growing an online business?
And secondly, not really Ayurveda related, but something one of my business mentors Lizzy is doing next week (20-23 September 2021) – seriously, I buy everything that she brings into the world because it is truly good and original. So if you have an online business or are thinking to start one, check out the Online Business Playground Summit. Tickets are free! You can upgrade to a Play Pass to get longer access to the presentations – and with the upgrade you also get Lizzy credit you can spend on any one of her courses, so for me it was a no-brainer.
Tridosha balancing yoga classes and Yoga Nidra meditation classes
And finallyyyyy…
Maybe you were wondering if I would start teaching the tridosha balancing series and yoga nidra again after my long summer break… YES! After the Yoga and Breathwork retreat in October. More details will follow.
That was all for today! Make sure you subscribe to my email list to learn more about what I’m up to!