4 ayurvedic tea blends (that you have in your cupboard)
Cosy time in the sofa, the dogs are near, and I am holding a steaming hot cup of tea (and a biscuit) (or 3)(which is why the dogs are near ;-)) . I cherish those evenings of quiet time. And did you know you can easily make your own ayurvedic tea blends? These ayurvedic tea recipes you can make yourself with spices you have in your cupboard! In this blog post I included tea recipes for every dosha and also a sattvic/ tridosha tea. Enjoy!
If you are rather a coffee and chocolate type, read these first!
The ayurvedic view on chocolate
Cinnamon – cardamom tea
For Kapha
For two cups:
Bring 0.5 liter water to a boil. Add two cinnamon sticks and 5 cardamom pods (a tsp of powdered cardamom will also work). Cover with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes. Strain and serve. I often use this as a base for my morning porridge!
Cardamom and cinnamon are pungent and heating in nature. This is a stimulating blend, good for Kapha. Vata can also use this occasionally. Not great when there is Pita excess.
Cumin, coriander and fennel tea
For Vata
I got this idea from one of the members of my Facebook Group Ayurveda foodies (come join us!). Here is a recipe for two cups:
Bring 0.5 liter water to a boil. Add 1 tsp of cumin seeds, 1/2 tsp of coriander seeds and ½ tsp of fennel seeds. Cover with a lid and let simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and serve.
Cumin and coriander are pungent and bitter. Cumin is heating in nature and cleanses the blood. Coriander and fennel are cooling in nature and act as a diuretic. Fennel also reduces muscle spasms. Coriander is balancing for all types.
This blend is good for Vata as it relieves gas. Pita and Kapha can use this occasionally.
Fresh mint and orange peel tea
For Pita
Bring 0.5 liter water to a boil. Wash a branch of fresh mint and bruise or tear the leaves. Take some peel off an orange (only the orange part; you have to slice the peel quite thinly or it will get bitter). You can also grate the peel (again only the orange part). About a tsp will do. Add both mint and orange peel to the boiling water. Cover with a lid and let simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and serve. You can add a few drops of rose water before serving for a Moroccan touch. This tea can also be served cool.
This tea is good for Pita as mint has a cooling effect.
Saffron – Lime tea
Sattvic tea (good for all types)
For two cups:
Bring 0.5 liter water to a boil. Add a few strands of saffron and the juice of half a lime. Cover with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes. Strain and serve. Add brown sugar to taste.
Saffron is sattvic and balancing for all types. It acts as digestive and rejuvenates. Limes are sour in taste and cooling. They are Vata reducing. The peel is a stimulant and aids digestion.
This tea is good for all types and can be drunk all year round. Best when limes are in season though!
Which one will you try? Or are you rather a coffee and chocolate type? Then read these:
The ayurvedic view on chocolate